Tag: Losing My Mind
Suddenly I realize my hands are getting numb and release the grip on the steering wheel just a little. Breathe. A car swerves in front of me, and I tap the brakes a few times slowing down as I can feel the tires slide slightly. Not only is this careless idiot squeezing himself into the…
When Change Changes You.
Change: verb change (verb) · changes (third person present) · changed (past tense) · changed (past participle) · changing (present participle) We all experience change. Some change is good. Some change is bad. Some change changes you. When I started working in the animal welfare field, I was a kennel attendant in the shelter building. The old shelter building we still worked in, while…
Mentally shutting it all off. Recharging ones own battery by physically removing yourself from the daily grind, stress and demands of work and life for a while. A necessity in my opinion. Many see a vacation as a luxury. Taking a break as a missed opportunity to make money. We have been programmed to believe…
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. This post is the result of the many stresses that currently reside inside my brain, traveling into my neck and shoulders and making my muscles ache. The post will not be pretty, or grammatically correct. It is just a purge of thoughts and emotions that will hopefully still…